The Author

Your Financial Wellness Company

Ron Harris is a multifaceted professional with a diverse background in finance, marketing, and education. With his deep experience and qualifications, including an MBA, MBE, and certification as a Financial Educator (CFEI), Ron, CEO of Financial Literacy Group has built a robust career focusing on financial literacy and empowerment.

Born in Los Angeles, California, Ron pursued higher education internationally, earning a master’s degree in global marketing and communications from the University of Essex in the UK. This global perspective has enriched his approach to finance and marketing, enabling him to understand and address financial disparities on a broader scale.

Ron’s professional journey spans over two decades during which he has specialized in developing integrated sales and marketing strategies for a variety of businesses ranging from startups to large corporations. 

Ron Harris is a multifaceted professional with a diverse background in finance, marketing, and education. With his deep experience and qualifications, including an MBA, MBE, and certification as a Financial Educator (CFEI), Ron, CEO of Financial Literacy Group has built a robust career focusing on financial literacy and empowerment. Read More

His impressive client list includes names like Union Bank of CA, Prudential, and Sunkist, demonstrating his ability to navigate and excel in diverse corporate environments.

Diversity & Inclusion

As an author, Ron has contributed significantly to the field of financial education. His books, “The ERTC Guide” and “Hybrid Retirement Arbitrage,” address complex financial topics in a way that is accessible to the general public. His first book introduced business owners to the Employee Retention Credit (ERTC), a critical but underutilized financial resource during the COVID-19 crisis. His latest publication, “Hybrid Retirement Arbitrage,” challenges conventional wisdom about personal finance, encouraging middle-class Americans to rethink how they manage their finances in order to close the wealth gap and achieve financial independence.

Ron’s commitment extends beyond writing. He has spent the last seven years directly helping everyday Americans manage their finances with the sophistication typically reserved for Wall Street. His efforts are geared towards enabling individuals to retire with dignity, achieve lifetime income, and build generational wealth.

As an author, Ron has contributed significantly to the field of financial education. His books, “The ERTC Guide” and “Hybrid Retirement Arbitrage,” address complex financial topics in a way that is accessible to the general public. His first book introduced business owners to the Employee Retention Credit (ERTC), a critical but underutilized financial resource during the COVID-19 crisis.Read more
Financial Literacy 2

Moreover, Ron’s international travels to over 40 countries have been focused on studying the causes of wealth disparity, which has further informed his strategies and solutions tailored to the American context.

In summary, Ron Harris’s career is marked by a commitment to educating and empowering individuals to take control of their financial futures. Through his books, professional engagements, and educational initiatives, he aims to demystify financial concepts and promote a more financially literate society.

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