All Financial Strategies Are Covered in Financial Wellness Programs Because families who are unable to handle their finances run the risk of experiencing financial strain, a decline in the quality of their basic living conditions, significant unforeseen costs, and an increasing reliance on government assistance from emergency assistance programs, especially those related to nutrition.
Concepts like taxes, investing, debt management, budgeting, and net worth are difficult to comprehend. Why? Because the world of finance can be intimidating, confusing, and complex at times!
The absence, insufficient, or low level of savings are all typical reasons for financial difficulties. There is nothing that can stop you from experiencing ongoing financial strain, which eventually makes it impossible for you to pay back debts like your mortgage.
According to a Gallup study, financial difficulties cause low self-worth, which is subsequently referred to as “financial anxiety.” Additionally, according to this study, nearly one in five people experience financial difficulties. Anxiety attacks, sleeplessness, and depression affect a lot of people, and they can cause major health issues like diabetes and heart disease.
In 2017, 34.9 million households led by adults under 45 years old experienced some form of economic hardship, which entailed living in poverty or having difficulty paying for needs. This accounted for more than one-third of all households.
Being financially literate is essential to overall well-being. By means of significant involvement and quantifiable, long-lasting effects, “Betterment Inc.” provides the means by which a community can be endowed with the information, abilities, and assets required to have a prosperous future.
The eight-step wellness plan that forms the foundation of the Betterment Economic Community Development program empowers individuals to take charge of their current financial circumstances and equips them with the knowledge they need to succeed.
By focusing on financial capacity building, financial wellness programs assist families and individuals in enhancing their social wellbeing. In addition to bolstering a city’s economy and improving living conditions, a financially sound community is something you can support with betterment, Inc.
Through a robust member program, we assist businesses, communities, and municipalities in fortifying their financial position. We also work with local businesses, families, and individuals who are able to realize their full potential because of well-established financial wellness programs.
We can collaborate with local residents and government representatives to support individuals in your community in carrying out their plans and making wiser financial decisions. Together, we can supply the resources required to create wealth that will last generations and foster a community of financially secure people who feel confident making financial decisions.
We at Betterment Inc. are aware of how difficult money can be. However, we assist you in managing your finances. Our tried-and-true methods combined with in-house technology streamline the investing process. This gives you more time to concentrate on things that are more essential, like expanding your company, following your passions, spending quality time with your family, or getting a good night’s sleep. Please get in touch with us right now to find out more about how Betterment is meeting the needs of our community and businesses in terms of financial health.
The Economic Solutions for Community Development program was developed by Betterment in collaboration with several community development agencies. Eliminating financial exclusion and facilitating the development of financial stability are the main objectives. We’ve put together a thorough resource with services and tools to assist people in managing their finances more effectively.
Financial planning and enjoyment can be achieved by providing a community with the necessary knowledge and skills through our eight-step wellness plan and meaningful engagement.