Saving YOU from

Helping individuals just like you, to avoid overpaying on high-interest rates and excessive debt, by providing assistance in managing your finances effectively and saving you from unnecessary financial stress.

Why Financial Literacy Group?

Your Financial Wellness Company

At the Financial Literacy Group, your financial well-being is our priority. It’s about optimizing your personal financial position so you can thrive. Together, we’re dedicated to helping you contribute to closing America’s wealth gap. Our solutions are tailored to level the financial playing field between you, a middle-class American, and financial institutions. We’re here to empower you, whether you’re an individual, a family, or a small business owner on Main Street, to manage your finances with the savvy of those on Wall Street. With us, you’ll learn to Bank Like a Bank.

Mortgage Arbitrage

Financial Services Offered by

Financial Literacy Group Professional Educators ™ (FLGPE)

As part of our commitment to empowering individuals, families, and businesses to achieve financial independence and security, we offer a suite of innovative financial solutions and educational services tailored to meet the needs of today’s economic challenges

Hybrid Arbitrage Banking Solutions

A groundbreaking approach combining advanced GPS debt technology with Index Universal Life Insurance (IUL) policies, specifically tailored to optimize debt payment and transform liabilities into assets and wealth.

Accelerated Debt Payment Programs

Utilize AI-driven strategies to efficiently manage and reduce both secured and unsecured debt, significantly cutting down interest payments and accelerating the journey to financial freedom.

Index Universal Life Insurance (IUL) for Banking

Beyond the traditional uses of life insurance, our IUL strategies enable clients to bank on themselves, leveraging tax-advantaged growth and the ability to borrow against the policy’s cash value, ensuring a secure and flexible financial foundation.

Personalized Financial Education

Our certified Financial Literacy Group Professional Educators™ provide bespoke financial advice and strategies, empowering clients with the knowledge and tools to navigate their financial journey confidently.

Tuition Arbitrage

Hybrid Retirement Arbitrage E-book

The Real-World Guide to Lifetime Retirement Income for Working Class Americans

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This guide aims to educate and empower normal working-class individuals to take control of their financial future, reduce reliance on traditional banking and lending institutions, and create a self-sustaining financial ecosystem that benefits them and their heirs. Our strategy includes technology that offer algorithm driven debt elimination & interest cancellation. The solution includes life insurance & annuities that offer indexing, no fees, no caps, no surrender charges, unlimited compound interest returns for life, no risk of principal, an estate, life & death protection, wealth building, tax advantages on returns, tax advantages for existing retirement accounts, IRS code benefits, no recourse, borrowing money from yourself, while earning interest on your loans, the ability to bank the way banks do and turn liabilities into income.

About the Author

Ron Harris

Ron Headshot v2

Ron Harris is a multifaceted professional with a diverse background in finance, marketing, and education. With his deep experience and qualifications, including an MBA, MBE, and certification as a Financial Educator (CFEI), Ron, CEO of Financial Literacy Group has built a robust career focusing on financial literacy and empowerment. Read More

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App Mockup

Download Our APP

The Bank Like a Bank app is free and based on a proprietary formula that calculates how much interest the average adult can cancel by paying debt early. The app also calculates what the average adult can earn tax-free by collateralizing their debt. Unlike BYOB or Infinite Banking, with banking like a bank, people can borrow against their debt, and earn interest on that debt, during & after the debt is paid, without tax & without paying back the loan.

After seeing the results of banking like a bank, the user can engage in a logic-based personal finance survey that tells them their current financial position. Based on these results, the user receives a report that tells them what they can do to start banking like a bank. Resources include coaching, eBooks, online financial literacy courses & financial wellness programs that can be accessed through the app at any time.

App Mockup

Download Our APP

The Bank Like a Bank app is free and based on a proprietary formula that calculates how much interest the average adult can cancel by paying debt early. The app also calculates what the average adult can earn tax-free by collateralizing their debt. Unlike BYOB or Infinite Banking, with banking like a bank, people can borrow against their debt, and earn interest on that debt, during & after the debt is paid, without tax & without paying back the loan.

After seeing the results of banking like a bank, the user can engage in a logic-based personal finance survey that tells them their current financial position. Based on these results, the user receives a report that tells them what they can do to start banking like a bank. Resources include coaching, eBooks, online financial literacy courses & financial wellness programs that can be accessed through the app at any time.

The Bank Like a Bank app is free and based on a proprietary formula that calculates how much interest the average adult can cancel by paying debt early. The app also calculates what the average adult can earn tax-free by collateralizing their debt. Unlike BYOB or Infinite Banking, with banking like a bank, people can borrow against their debt, and earn interest on that debt, during & after the debt is paid, without tax & without paying back the loan. Read more
Wealth Arbitrage

Our Team`s

Financial Background & Expertise

Our team is comprised of certified Financial Literacy Group Professional Educators™, professionals who have undergone rigorous training and adhere to a strict ethical standard. With a diverse range of expertise in finance, insurance, and technology, our educators are uniquely equipped to provide holistic and innovative financial solutions. Our commitment to continual learning ensures that we remain at the forefront of financial strategies, regulatory changes, and technological advancements, allowing us to offer unparalleled service to our clients.

Choosing FLGPE means partnering with a team dedicated to your financial well-being and success. Contact us today to take the first step toward securing your financial future.

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Financial News & Updates

Empowering Your Future

Empowering Your Future

In today’s rapidly changing economic landscape, the importance of financial education cannot be overstated. From managing everyday expenses to planning

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Financial News & Updates

Please, scan the QR Code below to download the app

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